Every Credit Union Is On 1 of 3 Roads


Road #1 – The Road to Greatness and Growth.
Credit unions that choose Road #1 are excited about the future. They may be challenged by change and disruption, but refuse to be overwhelmed by it. Learning new things provides excitement along their journey and they are willing to take reasonable risks to achieve great reward. Their mission is clear, and they remain focused on doing what’s best for their members and the communities they serve.
Road #2 – The Road to Mediocrity.
There are many credit unions on this road. They are led by good people, and have experienced some growth and limited success. For many, it’s a very familiar, comfortable and safe road. They may have identified some changes that need to take place but may not have the experience or expertise internally, and are unsure of where to begin. Change is very scary, and choosing Road #1 may also sound like lots of extra work.
Road #3 – The Road to Extinction.
Unfortunately, too many credit unions may find themselves on this road. They’ll most likely be able to think back to a time when they were more passionate and optimistic about their credit union’s future. So much is changing along this road, and they are unclear about the next step to take. Gradually, they may have allowed themselves to travel to a place of frustration and futility.
The Journey Is Better Together.
No matter what road you are on right now; don’t ever lose sight of the road to greatness. I encourage every credit union to embrace change, continually strive to grow, and be open to the opinions, expertise, and leadership of others. Surround yourself with people that cheer you on along the way, and your journey will remain fulfilling and more fun.